Beige travertine is very soothing for the floor surfaces. This travertine color is often used for floor surfaces in residential and office projects. Beige travertine stones are also used as facades and wall coverings. The most popular color of Travertine is light beige travertine. Proudly Iran is one of the most important sources of beige travertine. Processing Kinds of Beige Travertine: Sandblasted Sandblasted Brushed Sandblasted Acid-Washed Bush hammered Honed Brushed Tumbled Polished Cut Broken sizes : Slab ( 250 x 150 | 270 x 170 * 2 & 3 & 5 CM ) Pattern Set Mosaic Free length Tiles : 100×100 80×80 60×60 60×40 40×40 30×30 noted: all the dimensions mentioned are in centimeters. noted: The thickness is from 15 mm to 200 mm.
Sedimentary Calcium carbonate heat and sound proof variety and high quality of color +989124203133 Amin Falah Export management company (Company in the process of formation) knowledge based company Member of Tech-Export Services Corridor Member of Science and Technology Park Overseas offices in Armenia & Kazakhstan & Georgia