Trade name : Silvana Tra Onyx Production per month (Block): 4000 Tons Color and Pattern: White. Yellow , Honey Owner and manufacturer : Salari Stone Factories and Quarries
Quarry owner : Ahrar Sepahan Company Factory Name : Ahrar Sepahan Phone : 0098 9131150747 Stone type: Onyx Shape of stone : Block Application: Countertop, interior design, external design, floor design
Local : Iran Stone Type : Tra onyx Size: International Standard size Texture: Wavy Color: Black veind and white Application :Countertop, backsplash,Interior design, floor design. outdoor design
Tra Onyx with Irregular and regualar patterns. color mix with together Stone Type : Tra onyxSize: Accoriding international standardsTexture: irregular , regular texturesColor: Multi colorApplication : Countertop, backsplash,Interior design, floor design. outdoor design
Multi color Traonyx : Two materials formed with together. Onyx and travertine are seperate materials, Multi color have huge demand and application on construction sector. Local : Iran Material type : traonyx Size: Block , Slab Color : White, honey, orange, grey Texture: Bookmatch Application : Interior deisgn, outdoor design, backsplash, countertop, wall, floor design