Trade name : Shafagh Granite Production per month (Block): 1600 Tons Quarry history: Since 2018 Probable quarry reserve :74,000 Tons Color and Pattern: Black Owner and manufacturer: Mr Bahador Beygi
Trade name : Basalt Production per month (Block): 3000 Tons Quarry history: Since 2008 Probable quarry reserve : 1 Milion Tons Color and Pattern: Gray , Black Owner and manufacturer : Mr. Vali Masoumi Tel : 0098 9141620104 Mail:
Quarry owner : Haj Ahmad Rouholahi Factory Name : Etefagh Phone : 9131112855 Name : Elahi Natanz Granite Stone type: Granite Shape of stone : Block Quarry name : Elahi Natanz Granite Application: Counter top, Interior design, External design.
Turquoise Granite with Golden veins texture and irregual shape, background color is light turquoise Local : Iran Stone Type : Granite Size: Standard size of block Texture: irregular golden veins Color: Light turquoise Application : Countertop, backsplash,Interior design, floor design. outdoor design
Birjand's green Granite with rainy forest texture and light green background color and irregular veins Local :Iran Stone Type : Granite Size: Standard size of Blocks . Texture: rainy forest texture with irregular veins Color: light and dark green Application : Countertop, backsplash,Interior design, floor design. outdoor design
Natanz Light Granite :They are the great classics of natural granites. Their primeval beauty has great currency in the interior design and decoration of today. Local :Iran Stone Type : Granite Size: Standard size of Blocks and Slabs , Slabs with 2 cm or 3 cm thickness Texture:Dotted texture Color: Light background color Application : Countertop, backsplash,Interior design, floor design. outdoor design
Orange Granite : This millennial stone becomes versatile and adaptable to all surfaces in inhabitable spaces and in interior decoration. On countertops, walls, floors, facades and exterior floors (only in flamed and shot-blasted finishes Local : Iran Stone Type : Granite Size: Standard size of block Texture:ِ Dotted texture Color: light orange color with sone black dotted texture Application : KITCHEN COUNTERTOP , COUNTERTOP , BATHROOM,EXTERIOR,KITCHEN,LIVING
Birjand green Granite with darka nd light color and some dark green spot. Color: Dark annd Light green color Shape: Block and Slab Local :Birjand
Turquoise Granite: Green background color with some dark or blue spots and golden veins. Process: Block , Slab Local : Mashhad , Khorasan Razavi Province Color : Green backgound color with some dark or blue spots Applicaion : Countertop , Wall, Backsplash, Interior design, External design, Outdoor design, Floor design,
Light Natanz Granite :Granite is a common type of felsic intrusive igneous rock that is granular and phaneritic in texture. Granites can be predominantly white, pink, or gray in color, depending on their mineralogy. Granites are containing 80% of Slicates family. Countertops, backsplash,walls, interior design and etc are pro application for granite Physical features: