our company, Pishgam Stone, extracts white crystaline marble block from Alimohammadi mine in Aligoudarz town in Lorestan province with high quality and very reasonable price. The mining capacity for blocks and cubes is currently 3,000 tons per month that it will increase to 10,000 tons per month.
Trade name: Sirjan/ Crystal Marble Production per month: Approximately 400 tones monthly Quarry history: Since 1981 Probable quarry reserved: approximately 3 million tones Color and pattern: White background with golden root Owner and manufacture: 3Mo (Mr. Mokhtari) Quarry address: Hormozgan province, Iran
Trade name: Ghareh Naz Quary / Travertine Production per month: Approximately 3000 tones monthly Quarry history: Since 2018 Probable quarry resever: approximately 150,000 tones Color and patter: Cream and white Owner and manufacture: Mr. Nima Moradi Quarry address: Hamedan province, Iran
Trade name: Sirjan Crystal Marble Production per month (Block): 4000 Tons Quarry history: Since 1981 Probable quarry reserve: 3,300,000 Color and Pattern: White Background , woth golden veins Owner and manufacturer: 3Mo Stone ( Mr. Mokhtari)
Trade name : Atashkoh Travertine Production per month (Block): 8000 Tons Quarry history: Since 1954 Probable quarry reserve : 1,386,000 Tons Color and Pattern: cream Owner and manufacturer faravar emdad Quarry Co
Trade name : Spanta Travertine Production per month (Block): 51000 Tons Color and Pattern: White, Yellow, Black veins, Blue, Brown Owner and manufacturer : Salari stone factories and quarries
Trade name : Residence Travertine Production per month (Block): 3000 sTon Color and Pattern: White, Cream, Golden Black, Traonyx, Owner and manufacturer: Salari Stone factories and quarries
Trade name : White Ice Flower Crystal Production per month (Block): 1500 Tons Quarry history: since 1983 Color and Pattern: White , Gray Owner and manufacturer : Mr Akbar Rafie Mr. Abdolhamid khosravi
Trade name: Abbas Abad Travertine Quarry Production per month (Block): 5000 Tons Quarry history: since 1985 Probable quarry reserve: 1 Milion Tons Color and Pattern: Cream, Light Owner and manufacturer: Aria Tejarat Pars
Trade name: Darebokhari Travertine / Azarnosh Production per month (Block): 10,000 Tons Quarry history: Since 1993 Probable quarry reserve: 20 Million Tons Color and Pattern: Light cream, Wavy, Owner and manufacturer: Koohbar Quarry Co
Trade name: Abbas Abad travertine Production per month (Block): Approximately : 4500 Tons Probable quarry reserve: 516,000 Tons Color and Pattern: Cream , White Owner and manufacturer: Mr. Moslem Bagheri
Quarry Owner : Mr. Gholamreza Mohammdirad Phone : 0098 9188664157 Company and Factory Name : Iman Name : Haji Abad Travertine Type of stone: Travertine Shape of stone : Block, Tile and slab Quarry name : Haji Abad Travertine Application : Interior design , External Design, Counter top
White Onyx , brown- red veins with light and white background color Local :Iran Stone Type :Onyx Size: International standard size Texture: simple with out wavy texture Color: White Application : Countertop, backsplash,Interior design, floor design. outdoor design
White Onyx with , light background color and some small veins Local : Iran Stone Type : Onyx Size: standard size of blocks and slabs, 2 cm and 3 cm thickness Texture: Small veins Color: White Application : Countertop, backsplash,Interior design, floor design. outdoor design
Natanz Light Granite :They are the great classics of natural granites. Their primeval beauty has great currency in the interior design and decoration of today. Local :Iran Stone Type : Granite Size: Standard size of Blocks and Slabs , Slabs with 2 cm or 3 cm thickness Texture:Dotted texture Color: Light background color Application : Countertop, backsplash,Interior design, floor design. outdoor design
White Onyx with some slim veins and light background color Local : Iran Stone Type : Onyx Size: Standard size of Blocks and Slabs , slab with 2 cm and 3 cm thickness Texture: Slim veins Color: Light and white color Application : KITCHEN COUNTERTOP , COUNTERTOP , BATHROOM,EXTERIOR,KITCHEN,LIVING
Light cream travertine : Light Cream background color with veins textures and some small holes. Local : Iran Stone Type : Travertine Size: Standard size of blokcs and slabs, slabs with 2 cm or 3cm thickness Texture: Light veins with some holes Color: Light Cream Application : KITCHEN COUNTERTOP , COUNTERTOP , BATHROOM,EXTERIOR,KITCHEN,LIVING
Kashan marble with light background color and light blue veins with irregular textures. Local : Iran Material Type : Marble Size: Standard size of blocks and slabs, slab with 2 cm or 3 cm thickness Texture: Irregular veins and texture Color: light background color with blue veins Application :KITCHEN COUNTERTOP , COUNTERTOP , BATHROOM,EXTERIOR,KITCHEN,LIVING
light Crystal, light white color backgorund with light grey veins. Local : Iran Color: Light white and light grey Texture : small venis Application : countertop, backsplash, interior design, outdoor design, wall design, floor design
White onyx with light green veins Local : Iran Color:White backgorund color and light green veins Transparency: 40% Material Type : Onyx Size: tandard BLock and slab size. Slab's Thick ness : 2 cm Application : Countertop, backsplash,Interior design, floor design. outdoor design
Tiger marble: different texture with light background color and dark tiger texture Local : Mahallat Material type :Marble Shape and size: Block and slab Application : Floor design, Countertops, Backslpash, Wall,Interior design, Outdoor design
Gohare Limestone: Gohare Limstone a dark limestone with rich dark shades. Gohera Limestone is known for the combination of its strength and beauty which allows for this versatile martial to be easily adaptable to both Modern and Classic settings. Gohera like all other natural stone is able to be placed in the majority of indoor and outdoor surfaces. Characteristics: Limestone is a sedimentary rock consisting of more than 50% calcium carbonate (calcite - CaCO3). Local: Gohareh- Iran Color: white Application: Contertop, Backsplash, Wall, Floor design, Interior design, Offer: Not suitable for external design or outdoor design
Light Natanz Granite :Granite is a common type of felsic intrusive igneous rock that is granular and phaneritic in texture. Granites can be predominantly white, pink, or gray in color, depending on their mineralogy. Granites are containing 80% of Slicates family. Countertops, backsplash,walls, interior design and etc are pro application for granite Physical features:
White onyx with exotic vein textures and hight quality is one famous Iranian natural stone products. great offer for interior design and walls or counter tops.