Royal Black Marble Royal Black Marble is exclusive own quarry of MGT Stone Company. Having a very dark black background with spread beautiful white patterns, Royal Black Marble gives an eye-catching appearance which stands out among all other black marbles. It is common that many Black Marbles have both white and gold veins with each other but Royal Black Marble does not have any gold or brown vein in any part. In addition, white patterns of this stone are not linear. Sometimes, holes appear on the surface of dark marbles which are called as chains. Chains do not vanish during the polishing process. Royal Black Marble is chain free and so optimal for production. Therefore, this stone is a worthy item for producing polished slabs or tiles. Royal Black Marble can also be purchased in blocks.MGT is the exclusive owner of Royal Black Marble Quarry and is able to provide the block of this stone even in huge demands and at the earliest opportunity.